Diese Rezepte haben wir nach und nach zusammengetragen und ausprobiert. Sie stammen von thailändischen Freunden und aus Kochbüchern, die uns thailändische Freunde empfohlen haben. Deshalb sind einige Rezepte auf Deutsch, andere auf Englisch. Ich bitte um Nachsicht!
These recipes were gathered and tried out throughout the years. They came from Thai friends or are from cooking books which Thai friends recommended to us. That's why some of the recipes are in German, some are in English. I hope you don't mind.


Sonntag, 27. September 2015

Massaman-Curry: Gaeng Massaman


Gaeng Massaman
For 2-3 servings       
  • 2 tablespoons of Sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of Nam Pla fish sauce
  • 2 potatoes (cut up)
  • 2 onions (cut up)
  • 1 tablespoon of Massaman curry paste
  • 1 tin of coconut milk
  • Half a pound of stewing beef
  • 2 tablespoons of peanuts, unsalted

Peel and cut up the potatoes and the onions into manageable chunks and then cut up the beef keeping roughly to the same size as the vegetable. Heat the coconut milk and the Massaman curry paste in a saucepan at medium to low heat and stir. Mix the paste well with the coconut milk by first breaking up the curry paste and then continually stir to stop the mix from sticking to the saucepan. At first site of the previous combined ingredients of the coconut milk and Massaman curry paste bubbling up (and this is usually after about 5 minutes) you can then add beef and potatoes and stir. Add about half a cup of water to the mix or enough water for the meat to be fully covered. Now add the rest of your ingredients, but not the peanuts. Stew for half an hour or until the beef is becoming nice and tender and then add the peanuts. Let simmer for 10 minutes longer.  At this stage the juice of the curry should be reduced and you should be able to see some of the ingredients, but make sure the juice is not too low or you will need to add more water. Your Beef Massaman curry is ready to serve. Have a healthy portion of rice to go with it.       

Dieses Rezept ist auch mit Hühnchen sehr lecker!

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